- the best new rock on radio
- Stereo Mike and Lisa Lisa in the morning
- L Marts (aka Lynn Martin) with the best new rock
- Mels Top 4 Requests at 4
- Arms is joined by Hardcore Holly and Chuck the Freak from 12 till 3.
- your chance to tell us what you want to hear! Call the 800X lines with your request - 519-792-2559.
Have you considered a feature showcasing wildly successful drug addicts and the often ignored but positive side of drug dependence?
Great job & keep it all surreal,
What the hell are you guys changing for? There is already the morning X on 89X, but no other talk radio station for local news. I can see Steve passing for a Canadian Arthur P, Mike sounds young enough, Arms is young, but Lisa is no Trudy Daniels she is more like one of the, "Housewives of Orange County". You should get the girl that sits in when Lisa is gone and I hope Lynn Martin is handing out resumes.
26yrs old
sorry guys, this is awful! I hope that this is just a really bad April fool's joke.
Lisa Lisa? L Marts?
Has everything changed? No more Coast to Coast? No more Healthy Talk Radio??
The only good thing I see about this is Arms will be on more. Yeah Arms!!! Yeah Chuck the Freak & Holly!!!
I'll do what Lisa says and give it time before I decide...but i already thought with the addition of Arms & Mike before him, the show sounded young and better....hmm can u tell i'm not good with change?!! :) xo K
I don't like it. I would rather hear dumb and uselrss comments like it was.
Anf how did those two post comments a 2:45AM before the show even started?
Okay, so it's April 1st -- this is an April Fool's joke, right?
Some changes are needed to some of the programming, but this is a little much.
(Mid 40 mom)
what r u looking at? 2:45? I don't see it
give it time like i said before!
I didn't like Mike K. when he first started but he grew on me...don't give up so easily.
xo K
Are you guys crazy? You had an interesting station and have changed to the ordinary. No longer a smart station worth listening to with valuable information, but a dumb music station not at all worth the time of day.
I guess you have gotten on board with the dumbing of America instead of being a cut above like you were.
To bad. A real loss for those of us who are a little more educated and look forward to shows with substance.
Hey Guys - Sorry about the time issue. I fixed that problem. I hope you are enjoying our new format. WE are thrilled about it.
I want my Coast To Coast AM. I don't care what you do the rest of the day!!!
how awesome!!!! LOVE IT!
I have some underwear that have basically disintegrated and just the elastic band is left. I can give them to Arms to fool the guy who threarwens to give him a wedgie if he wants.
is coast to coast really no longer being aired? Or healthy talk radio?
I love those shows.
no more dr. joy?
wish i could hear Arms in the afternoon, but i work and can't tune in at that time
I would tune in to FM quality if I wanted music.
I guess you don't want the young and intelligent listeners, just the young and dumb listeners.
Too bad for you. You will lose more listeners than you gain and you will get what you ask for.
So far I like it-- but it sounds like they dug out Lisa's do not play list--
What the he**! If I wanted to listen to crappy kid rock I'd listen to one of the other 20 stations!
Lmarts...Mel D..Gimmee a break...Since when did Lynn & Mel become Spice Girls?
What about what's local??...OUR community and what is IMPORTANT to us??!
Just goes to show that CTV knows NOTHING about Windsor...Forcing this crap down our throats...and SHAME on you for supporting it!
Stuff it.
We'll go find another station.
I'm not Fooled. Enough guys with the April Fools joke. Good one with the mayor's envolvment!!!! I told my coworker it was an april fools joke but she didn't believe me.
Finally! A breath of fresh air in the Metro Windsor Market! Maybe some small venue concerts too ... like Scum in the Lanspeary Park Bandshell (they never should have changed their name!). Is it true Kevin McGowan is coming back to do edgey up-close-and-personals?
You guys rock!
But you're not getting my bowling ball.
APRIL FOOL'S!!!!!! My boss is totally peeved that you changed. I figured it out right away.
Now - get back to your old format. - Nancy Robson - Leamington Chrysler
I get it! The worst possible music, no more Coast To Coast.
It's April Fools Day!
The jokes on us!
I have been a listener since the early 60's. Sorry, I do not like the new format at all. If I want to listen to rock music I can tune in to 89x or the numerous other rock stations available on radio. Read the Windsor Star today...an article on our aging population(B5)...it states that someone turns 62 every 7 seconds. I'm not suggesting that boomers (the largest population group) don't like rock music but AM 800 had a unique program formula that was very appealing. You are suggesting that I "give it some time" to see if I like it. I do not like the music AT ALL and I can not see that changing. A lost listener!
O my god what have you done? If i wanted to listen to all that music racquet I would have been listening to another channel long ago. Looks like im going to switch over to another station.
you got them
Is this an April Fools Joke??????????????????????????????????????????????
Is this an April fools joke??????????????????????
GOOD ONE! The music choices were poorly chosen for this joke, but the funniest thing was hearing Lisa sound as if she was okay with it. It would have been the death of her radio career and happiness if it were true!
I second Crakl's comment! More talk shows about drug addiction! Let's dumb it up even more!
It took about 3 minutes then I realized the date. I love you guys more and more all the time. Being a bit of a joker myself, I know it is the most fun teasing your loved ones. You must love your fans a lot. You all did a great job staying in character and the sound bites were very convincing. Thanks so much for making my day.
Signed, B. We.
P.S. Dont ever change.
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