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The 800X Top 10
- Jimmy Eat World - always be
- Silversun Pickups - lazy eye
- Buckcherry - Sorry
- Panic at the Disco - Nine in the afternoon
- Theory of A Dead Man - So Happy
- Linkin Park - Shadow of the Day
- Paramore - Crush, Crush, Crush
- Breaking Benjamin - Until the End
- Rise Against - The Good Left Undone
Do you like our new format?
The Artists You will Hear on 800X

This is great. It's about time. You guys forgot to mention the fact that replacing "Coast to Coast" is the new Ozzy Osborne Rock n Talk Show. I read about that last week. Great job. First the Ford announcement, and now this. Windsor Rocks!!!
NO!!!! I loved to listen to your talk. So what, no more talk with Lynn Martin??!!!! This is crazy!!! We don't need another music station! You are the only local news radio station. Go back!!!!
haha, you guys are hilarious.
Sounds like a really bad April Fool's Day joke to me!!! Count me as a vote against!! The longer that I listen, the more disgusted I become.
When I woke up this morning, I thought "this is best April fools' gag ever! You guys are really convincing... remniscent of Orson Welles 'War of The Worlds'...real panic material for your listeners" but the more I listen, the more I think you guys are serious. I think it's growing on me. Nice work!
Ha! Ha!! Ha!!! I'm enjoying this!
It's just like watching a train wreak. I'll give the format some time, but I need my Coast to Coast AM overight!
My Mom will flip out when she hears this new format. She's been a faithful listener for years. I just hope that when she turns it on she doesn't have a coronary. Fingers crossed.
What the heck is next?........"The Leafs Win the Stanley Cup!".....pure crazyness.
We wake up to your station on the clock radio every morning. As long as you keep saying the time and weather frequently, we will not change the station.
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!
Your new handles are corny, the music is juvenile and the overall feeling is sassy. It's like a car wreck...I can't look away.
Its been nice ,but time to look for a new talk radio station.The young rule it looks like,the old are pushed aside.Progress ?.The best to you all,and if you know of a local talk station please let us all know.
Just arrived here at the office where we listen daily. This pill-popping punk rock is just too much. Everyone here is in agreement that we'll be changing the station. So sad. A dark day for Windsor radio.
um... So is this an April Fool's Joke?
What IS this? It sounds like a lame attempt at making old news DJ's into hip young stars and it's never going to work. Like a cougar bar, minus the alcohol.
"L Martz"? Who is she kidding?
P.S Blink 182 broke up years ago yet they're on your 'CRAZY HOT!' music rotation.
Another sad day for Windsor. What were your marketing people thinking??? I've been listening to your station for more than 20+ years. What do you mean going for a younger audience?
I Love the new format better balance you have news weather sports, but now you also get us moving it is really refreshing thanks. I encourage ebveryone to give this a chance before jumping to conclusions. Why does society always fear change, not all changes are harmful some can be great if only they are given the chance.
I support this 100 % Rock On!!
No. I listened while I was at work and enjoyed the talk and Dr. Joy. You guys have lost a listener and I venture to say you will lose more that you gain.
WRONG!!! If I wanted to listen to Nickelback and Blink 182 I would flip the knob to any other station on the radio. You had it nailed with 'The Information Station'... it was unique, it was local, it was real and personal. Now it's like any other cookie-cutter pre-fab station. You'll be losing veteran loyal listeners like me.
Drew & Mike just gained one listener back. Let us know when Lynn Martin starts at AM580 CKWW or CBC Radio.
I am in my mid20's, and do not like the new format.
AM radio is FOR news, go back to the old style. At least until 9am. Then do whatever you want.
WE LOVE IT!!! We tune in every morning when we are getting the kids ready for school. Our other choice is 89X so this is great! We get the best of both worlds. It's not just the kids listening to 89X either, a lot of parents do too. Keep on rockin'
A small step for man...a giant leap BACKWARDS for mankind.
800X rulez yo!
Harcore, faster paced.
Sounds like y'all traded coffee for Red Bull . . . a lot of Red Bull
L Marts - LoL
Thank you very much for your format change
-signed, CBC Radio 1 (1550am)
I listen to your station every single day from 7 am to 6 pm on and off (mostly on). I thought what are you guys doing? What's with the rock and roll? This is a little ridiculous. Then I realized what day it is today. Ha Ha!
Haha... nice try! You've got to be off your rocker to switch formats from the most popular radio station in town... not to mention a format that would canabalize its sister station 89X.
I think this is an April Fools joke! How professional is it to not even have your own email address/website? The naming of the rink at the new WFCU centre etc. Think about it!
It's like a picnic with flies...very annoying!
Rate Against the Machine on am800(x), this is a great day for Windsor. Forget the Ford plant re-opening, this is what's going to jump start the city again!
Less Talk and More Rock!
YUCK! I will still listen to the morning show for now. I will get Dr. Joy on the PC and listen to talk shows on TV too. The new music you're playing sounds like CRAP! I can't tolerate it. At least it if it was classic rock I would listen.
HORRIBLE....,once again catering to the youth. I certainly hope you have enjoyed pulling off another April Fool's joke. Boy you guys are good, get me every year. Please tell me this is a joke, if not i'm done with this station.
Im sorry to hear that you have changed your format... we have listened to you guys for years, but now we will be saying goodbye,, i dont like the new format ,,I wake up at 5 am every morning to your radio station and loved it,but now with the screaming music from your new format,I am saying goodbye and will find another mellow station , thank you for your years of great radio... Jackie
I would like your new idea better if you played 'all-Beatles' in place of that other garbage. C'mon we're not 12.
Has no one Noticed its April Fool's Day?
The new format is just awful. Please tell us it's an April Fool's prank??
We listen to CKLW all day - at home and at work and love the focus on the 'local'. We'll miss it.
So long CKLW - We've already switched.
Best of luck to all of you. Like the Titanic, you've just stuck an iceberg and I'm abandoning ship.
Ha, Ha, Ha! You guys got me! April fools!
Good one! You guys had me for about on hour this morning. I'm glad it was just a joke though...
This is crap. We live in Windsor and there are bunch of Rock stations to listen to. Does this mean that you are trashing Prime Time Sports? What is wrong with you guys? I'm 26 and you are about to lose a young listener. When I want rock I am going to go to a tried and tested station, not "800x"
It took us about 10 seconds when we woke up this morning to realize it was an April fools joke, but it was still fun!
Amusing to say the least.
I just hope Primetime Sports is still on tonight at 6pm.
If AM 800 was switching over, their main website would be changed over....not some blogspot website setup.
oh yeah, it's April 1st! You guys are gooooood...very good. You got me too! I feel so stupid. I love you guys so much I'm tearing up. NOT!!! April fools to you too! HA HA HA
It was pure genius...right up there with Orson Welles 'War of the Worlds'. Great job!!! HA HA
I guess all GOOD things must come to an end.
I keep hoping this is just a cruel April Fools joke on us.
Nice April Fools Joke. We will see the old (good) format back tomorrow. No offense, folks, but your radio persona is not the toilet-talk-humour (thankfully!!!) that you are trying to portray this morning.
You are professionals and act it ... except for today ... April Fools.
Ahhhh you had us!!! Good one!!! It was great while it lasted though, made my morning.
hhGood one you guys! I am surprised that all of these people actually fell for this.You rock just the way you are, as for the people that did like the change, turn the nob and find another station. We will stay here with you Once again GOOD ONE LOL LOL
Why not bring back the BIG 8 and play some oldies? Don't forget the "CKLW- The Motor City" jingle!
I agree - bring back some of the Big 8 jocks. Chuck McKay.... Mark Dailey.. Steve Hunter etc. Bring back the Motown Sounds. (Baby Love) that's my suggestion. --- You had me fooled...
Are tom Shannon and johnny Rivers coming back? That woild be awesome!!! The big8 returns!!!! ;)
I was really excited to hear that you would be playing music along with information. It would have been like AM800 merging with 89X. I listen to 89X when i first wake up but then I turn the station over to AM800. If there was really a radio station called AM800X, I'd listen to that everyday and it would make life easier for me :).
Then when I heard that AM800X was a joke, i was upset because I was looking forward to the new format.
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